HSC Event

We’re sincere to buyer and trying to make them satisfied all the time with high qualified machines and services,
which is we could somehow exchange our expertise in this field.

INSTAGRAM (hsckorea)

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  • 2022-06-24 15:43:29
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인플루언서 셔니비비님의 아쿠아슈어 마스크팩 사용후기입니다????
#리그램 - @syunibibi by @get_regrammer
#광고 노란마스크, 파란마스크..ㅎ
색깔 엄청 화려하지 않아요?
제가 얼마 전 #아쿠아슈어 필링 시술을 했거든여!
피부가 확실히 시술 후엔 예민해지는데 #아쿠아슈어마스크팩 매일 해줬더니
예민함이 사라지고 빠르게 피부가 건강해졌어요!!
하늘색 아쿠아슈어 솔루션핏 젤라틴 마스크는 쫀쫀한 물광, 탄탄한 피부장벽을 만들어줘요,
주름개선에 도움을 주는 #아쿠아슈어젤라틴마스크팩 이고요
노란색 아쿠아슈어 솔루션핏 멜라토닝 마스크는 촉촉하고 화사한 피부를 만들어주고
미백을 도와주는 #아쿠아슈어멜라토닝마스크팩 이에요.
피부관리 이후 예민한 피부에 둘다 번갈아가며 사용하니 확실히 생얼도 훨씬 좋아지는 느낌이에요!
건조함이 싹 사라지는 매직~
피부과 에스테틱 관리 꾸준히 받으시는 분들은
직후에 염증완화, 보습, 미백, 주름, 재생, 진정을 시켜주는
홈케어 #토닝마스크팩 꼭꼭 하셔요~!!



INSTAGRAM (hsckorea) Plasma beauty home care device, TONISURE

Plasma beauty device from HSC | TONISURE HOMECARE PLASMA + GALVANIC 2 IN 1 SYSTEM ▶PLASMA Plasma sterilizes the skin, prevents bacterial infections, and stimulates fibroblasts in the skin to help improve the skin environment. It also increases the hydrophilicity of the skin to help bind to other molecules and fills the empty spaces in the skin tissue with moisture to achieve a moist moistu...




INSTAGRAM (hsckorea) ULVERIN R Introduction

ULVERIN R | HSC Korea The microneedling RF lifting procedure aims to restore the skin in a short time. Vacuum highly precise EDHs to fix areas, and use insulated microneedle cartridges to minimize unnecessary tissue damage with accurate targeting. It also affects the deep layers of the skin and stimulates the active formation of elastin and collagen. ●Improve skin quality and sagging ●Reduce wr...




INSTAGRAM (hsckorea) Cold Plasma Dr.PLATON

HSC Korea's cold plasma beauty device, Dr.PLATON. You can create clean and transparent skin with advanced technology skincare! Dr.PLATON temporarily releases the skin barrier by reducing the function and expression of E-cadherin, which acts as an adhesive in cell-to-cell contact. As a result, the hydrophilicity of the epidermis increases, making it easier for the active ingredients of moist...




INSTAGRAM (HSCKorea) February 2024 HSC Volunteer Program

HSC has been volunteering with the Korea Volunteer Center since 2022 for our planet! We did volunteer work to clean up the environment on February 27. View Related Content on Instagram!


